There are two ways to renew your AAUW Membership:
Renew Online
Renew your membership using your credit card at AAUW National’s secure website. You will receive an email reminder with a link to renew your membership. Your renewal coincides with the month that you joined AAUW. Or you can click HERE to begin, then click on “Log in” in the upper right hand corner and follow the instructions.
Renew By Mail
Mail a check made out to AAUW Grants Pass Branch to:
P.O. Box 1812, Grants Pass, OR 97528
For renewal assistance contact the Membership VP.
- Branch Members dues are $118 annually, which includes local ($30), state ($16) and national ($72) dues. $72 of your dues are tax deductible on 2024. Beginning April 1, 2025, dues will increase to $120.
- Life Members pay state and local dues of $46. Honorary Life Members are exempt from the payment of all dues.
- Dual Members need to pay local dues of $30. If your primary branch is in another state, you need to pay Oregon state dues plus local dues for a total of $46.