
AAUW is a community of more than 170,000 members standing strong for gender equity.  Your membership makes our collective voice louder on critical issues affecting women and girls on the local, state and national level.

AAUW seeks a diverse membership. There shall be no barriers to full participation in this organization on the basis of gender, race, creed, age, sexual orientation, national origin, disability, or class.

Membership Options

Branch Member

  • $118.00 includes local ($30), state ($16) and national ($72) dues.  $72 of your dues are tax deductible in 2024.  Beginning April 1, 2025, dues will increase to $120.

If you hold an associate or equivalent (RN), a bachelor’s or higher degree from a regionally accredited college or university, you can join AAUW. Branch members have the added value of local, regional and state benefits in addition to their national membership.  Click HERE to join online at National’s secure website.  If you prefer to join by mail contact our Membership VP.

New members may be able to save 50% on national dues if they join at an AAUW event or meeting.

Life Member

  • $46.00 includes local ($30) and state ($16) dues.

If you have made a lifetime payment to the National AAUW ($1,440) you just need to pay state and local dues each year. A member who has paid National AAUW dues for 50 years shall become a 50-year Honorary Life Member and will be exempt from the payment of all dues.  Your lifetime dues of $1,440 is tax deductible.

Dual Member

  • $30.00 (local dues) or $46 (local dues and state dues)

If you are a member of another Oregon branch, just pay local dues of $30 to become a dual member of both branches.  If your primary branch is in another state, you need to pay Oregon state dues plus local dues for a total of $46.

Student Members

  • $0 (Rogue Community College Students)

If you are an undergraduate and are enrolled in a two-or four-year accredited educational institution that is a current member partner of AAUW, you can join as an AAUW branch student affiliate. Students enrolled in these institutions, including Rogue Community College receive a free e-student membership.

  • $18.81 (Undergraduate students and degree-seeking graduate students)

If you are an undergraduate or degree-seeking graduate enrolled in full-time or part-time programs at a college or university that is NOT a current member partner of AAUW click HERE to join.

For membership information contact the Membership VP.
